Hello, Friends…long time, no see (well- long time, no blog)!
We are sorry for the lack of posts lately. We would love to take a minute to "catch you up" on what is going on with us, Markers and Mascara, and our families!
Brooklynn returned from maternity leave and has been taking the last few weeks to get to know her students and begin to find the mommy-teacher balance. It has taken a few weeks, but she is finally into a routine. Ashley has been diligently working to prepare for her maternity leave. This year, we will only work together for 13 weeks….we have never had to work without one another! "Life changes" has been the overall theme to our year! ;0) This is a picture of us, with two of our other teacher-friends. Three of us will have had girls, within four months of each other!!!

This year, we have already had so much fun with all the themes and skills that have been taught. We have taught using: Pete the Cat, Brown Bear, Classic Tales, Farm, Bats, Where the Wild Things Are, and Bear Snores On. In the upcoming weeks, we are set to teach using: Grinch, Gingerbread and Christmas, Penguins, Space, and Dinosaurs. We have also had big events at our school: KinderKamp, Open House, Fall Festival, Red Ribbon Week, Homecoming, a Field Trip, and our annual Thanksgiving Feast.
Wacky-Tacky Day
Career Day - A Vet, A Teacher, A Meteorologist, A Nurse, and A ZooKeeper
Thanksgiving Feast - Pilgrims and Indians Style
The weather totally ruined our tradition. Usually, we celebrate outside on picnic tables…with the few inches of rain and high winds, we had to make do on the classroom floor. They still had an absolute blast!
In Math, our students are currently: adding to sums of ten, counting to 100, building numbers using tens and ones, and identifying all 2-D shapes. In Reading, they know 24 sight words, are reading age-appropriate stories, working to fluently read CVC words, can give the characters, setting, and sequence the events in stories, and can isolate beginning, medial, and ending sounds in words. In Writing, our kinders can: draw pictures, label their pictures, and can use inventive spelling and sight words to write a sentence about their pictures. Our kiddos have been working so hard already this year.
Like you all, we recently celebrated Thanksgiving with our families and friends. This year our Thanksgiving was unlike any other one before. You all know that Brooklynn just had a little girl, and that Ashley's little girl is due any day now. This Thanksgiving, we enjoyed celebrating the new additions to our families. We are incredibly blessed to be able to share in these new life changes together. Below is a picture of Ashley, and her husband and sister. After that is a picture of Brooklynn, her husband, and their daughter, E.

We would like to take one more minute of your time to tell you how appreciative we are that you are a part of our lives. The blogging community has been one of our greatest professional blessings. We have been inspired, challenged, and encouraged by you. Two years ago, when we started Markers and Mascara, we never dreamed of all the blessings we would receive from joining in this crazy community. We have made life long friends; as well as, learned more than we could have ever imagined. Each day we log onto Instagram, Teachers Pay Teachers, Facebook, or read the many blogs we follow- we always, always, always learn something new. You all have challenged us to work harder, be better teachers, and even to step out of our comfort zones. The amazing thing is that when we did those, so many of you encouraged us along the way. We seriously cannot thank you enough for the love you show us!
Lastly, we are joining in on the Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Monday Sale tomorrow. Stop by and pick up some of the things you have wish listed. Don't forget to use the extra code SMILE to receive 28% off your purchases. Also, you can use your feedback points to take even more off your total…go back and rate those products!
Again, we thank you for stopping by and continually blessing us! We wish you all a wonderful holiday season!